Factory G
Factory G
The type of wastewater of a steel forging work plant is secondary treatment effluent and coking wastewater. The design flowchart is 6,000 m3/day. The main discharge of pollutants are total phenol and SCN, which are strictly controlled pollutants. The biological systems can’t effectively degrade the target pollutants. In order to reduce the emission of the target pollutants, the plant added Novozymes BioRemove 2350 to cultivate dominant bacteria. After Bioaugmentation, the average of removal rate of total phenol increased from 89% to 97%. The maximum removal rate increased to 100%. The average of removal rate of SCN increased from 28% to 72%. The maximum removal rate increased to 84%. At the same time, the average of removal rate of TOC increased from 58% to 75%. It shows that the activated dominant bacteria can stabilize the quality of effluent water and improve the removal rater of TOC and the target pollutants.